Ten Common Health Challenges of Dachshunds

Ten Common Health Challenges of Dachshunds

All dog breeds come with unique health challenges. Hence you should also know of Dachshund’s health challenges. Don’t be scared, there are ways to treat these Dachshund’s health challenges and they will be listed here as well.

1. Back Disease

This is the top of their problems. 25% of Dachshunds will usually have this problem during their lifetime. This problem occurs because their vertebrae become brittle and can be ruptured when they engage in many jumping exercises. Also, it would help if you supported its weight in both rears when you carry them.

2. Dental Issues

This occurs when there is a crowing of teeth in the jaw of your Dachshunds. These particular Dachshund’s health challenges will affect their teeth, lead to inflammation, and develop plaque and calculus. It would help if you cleaned the teeth regularly.

3. Cushing's Disease

This disease is seen when the adrenal gland produces much cortisone. This particular Dachshunds health challenge develops over time and can be easily thought to be aging symptoms. Hair loss and weight gain are classic symptoms. Contact your vet as soon as these are noticed.

4. Obesity

Dachshunds are among the top 10 dog breeds at risk of obesity. Obesity can lead to other health conditions. One of the first signs is arthritis and back disorders. You can prevent this by having a balanced diet plan for your Dachshunds.

5. Cancer/Tumors

Dachshunds have a high risk of having cancers of the skin and other body parts. You should check your dog's skin regularly to prevent the worsening of this condition. This is one of the Dachshund’s health challenges that are not very predictable.

6. Cardiac Disorders

Leaky heart issue is common in Dachshunds. It is also known as DMVD degenerative mitral valve disease, and its first signs are usually seen between the age of 8 and 10. Ensure your Dachshunds weight is well regulated coupled with some regular check-ups.

7. Seizures

Epilepsy is also one of the Dachshunds health challenges you have to guard against. This disease can occur in any Dachshunds, but it is more common in wirehaired Dachshunds. Once you notice tremors, weakness, and too much sleeping, then it is time to have your dog checked by a vet.

8. Eye Problems

Some eye problems that Dachshunds are prone to are usually painful. And others can lead to eye complications and blindness if not promptly treated. Glaucoma, cataract, and even dry eyes can be a problem. It would help if you had the dog checked by a vet.

9. Liver Diseases

The liver disease prone to Dachshunds is termed portosystemic shunt PSS. In this condition, the liver is unable to remove toxins from the body. Medication is used to address this condition, some other times; your Dachshunds will need surgery.

10. Gastrointestinal Troubles

This is also one of Dachshund’s health challenges. Some Dachshunds will grow insensitive to food while some other time, suffer from inflammatory tract diseases.

Any of the above-listed conditions can affect your Dachshund. But it is interesting to note that you can correct a lot of these by having a proper diet. Also, by just creating a healthy routine for your dog, you will sustain a healthy body for it.

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